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Tag Archives: pharmaceutical

Dosing the Safe Amount of Paracetamol for Children

child being fed paracetamol with safe dose by mother

Prescribing medication sounds as simple as giving the right dose to the patient, but it turns out to be an integrated process that includes: patient assessment, medication choice, prescription writing, […]

A Difference between Life and Death: Practicing Medicine Safety

doctor making sure of medicine safety while giving syrup medication to a child

At some point, every person will turn to medicine to either prevent or cure illness. Two of the most crucial processes in the medical sector are prescribing and administering medications. […]

Vitamins & Supplements are Growing beyond the Pandemic

Vitamins Supplements

The already growing vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS) category has enjoyed significant boost from changing health priority amid the Covid-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, monthly VMS spending has increased by […]

The Rise of the Indonesian Healthcare Industry


Indonesia’s healthcare industry has seen unprecedented growth in recent years. By 2020, the country’s pharmaceutical industry has seen an annual growth between 10 and 13%. Meanwhile, the national medical equipment […]