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Tag Archives: agility

The Road to Eliminating Harmful Chemicals in Coating and Constructions Industry

woman safely touching apeo-free paint showing hand to the camera

Many industries have been using APEO or alkylphenol ethoxylates as surfactants in their products for more than 50 years. It includes textiles, pulp and paper manufacturing, household, paint and coating manufacturing, […]

Water Quality for Aquaculture Sustainability

The expectation to annually grown by 8% by the end of 2022 made shrimp farming one of the most important aquaculture sectors in Indonesia. With the promising resources in hand, […]

Sustainable Manufacturing Made Possible


When discussing sustainability, it is no longer limited to one challenge anymore. Instead, sustainability is a systemic approach with differing perspectives. That is why every little helping hand matters in […]

Maximizing Indonesia’s Aquaculture Industry


As a maritime country with 5.8 million kilometers square of sea area, Indonesia has a big potential to be a leading aquaculture industry in the world. Bahtera’s Aquaculture Experts shared […]

Applying Just-in-Time Manufacturing in Food & Beverages Industry

Just In Time

Originally referring to producing goods to meet the demands of the consumers, “Just-in-Time” (JIT) manufacturing is now producing with minimum waste. “Waste” does not only refer to the excess of […]

Take a Look at How Pancakes Flip the Trend


Pancake is known as one of the Western breakfast menus with two options of condiment: sweet and savory. Each country has different ways to serve pancakes. Some people have them […]

The Best Quality Donuts, within Your Grasp


Snacking has been a routine for most people in Indonesia forever. The snacking culture is rooted deep in Indonesia. For a moment to spend quality time with family and to […]

Making Whipped Cream That Saves Café Owners Time and Money

Whipped Cream

The shift in culture and lifestyle has turned cafés and coffee shops not only a luxurious place to get food and beverages. Nowadays, it has also become a place for […]

Building a Sustainable Future through Renewable Energy

renewable energy

Renewable Energy Mitigating the negative impacts of climate change is becoming a shared goal for countries and businesses to commit to Net Zero Emission. This includes Indonesia, who is confidently […]

Unleashing the Secret to a Perfect Ice Cream


Despite having been around for hundreds of years, ice cream still remains one of the most favorite desserts and is considered comfort food by many. In Indonesia, it is also […]